Ways to motivate employees and cultivate a strong company spirit have changed dramatically in recent years. The most progressive firms engage in innovative actions geared to increase the level of performance of their teams and optimize the decision-making of their leaders. The results generated by a company retreat in St. Barts will be, without a doubt, worth the investment.

Upon your request, a private jet for your team can be arranged; on-site, private cars with drivers can be at your disposal; a workplace to accommodate management meetings can be set up. We take care of your business needs quickly and efficiently. Should you wish, a private chef can provide any necessary catering.

There are numerous villa rentals on the island. Luxurious and comfortable, they provide the same services as a St Barts Hotel, but in a calm, intimate environment that your co-workers will have earned after an intensive day. Some properties are set on large grounds and offer the advantage of being able to accommodate your entire staff in conditions identical to those of a starred hotel. Our personalized concierge and reservations services are at your disposal including chef prepared on-site breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Reinforce team spirit, boost motivation, or reward your associates with delightful moments of rest and relaxation; any activity that is available on the island can be arranged according to your needs. An initiation to diving or an exploration of the ocean floor, a fishing expedition, a sailing race around the island, kitesurfing, sea bobbing or jet skiing - choose your adrenalin inducing activity! And because you are visiting a French island par excellence, don’t forget the luxury shops of Gustavia or the fine food and wine that have made St. Barts famous.
Make an appointment
Tell us the purpose of your company retreat and we will help optimize your stay by planning all logistics and motivational activities.